Tuesday, June 11, 2024


Tips to reduce the likelihood of making mistakes at work

Here are some tips you can use to reduce the chances of making more errors at work:

1. Give your work full attention at optimal times. Depending on your personal energy levels, structure your day so you're working on your highest-priority tasks when you feel most energized. Another strategy is to work on these projects during the time in your day when others are least likely to disturb you.

2. ⁠Double-check all communications and presentations. The more you get in the habit of checking for errors before clicking the "Send" button in chat or email, or printing documents for others to read in a meeting, the more assurance you can have that your communications are error-free.

3. ⁠Create checklists. A checklist can help you avoid making mistakes, especially for more repetitive tasks. Once you have a process in place, follow the specific steps on your list each time you complete that task.

4. ⁠Review your work. Each time you're done with a task or process, especially high-priority work, review it for mistakes. If possible, take a break from the project before reviewing it for the final time so you can more successfully identify errors later.

5. ⁠Take breaks. Take a break from work every 90 minutes to two hours to increase the likelihood of error-free work. Try to take a break away from your workspace to fully disengage from your responsibilities.

6. ⁠Eliminate distractions. When you're working on high-priority tasks, put your phone away, close your email and unnecessary browsers and put any work-related messenger apps on "do not disturb" mode. Keep a pen and notepad available to write down any unrelated thoughts to help you stay on task.

7. ⁠Ask questions. When you start a new job or begin a new project, ask questions so you can fully understand your role. Learning more about your duties and the steps you're planning to take can help you eliminate the possibility of making errors.

8. ⁠Create a detailed schedule. To ensure you meet deadlines, use a calendar that outlines everything you plan to do in a day, week and month. You can even schedule your hours so you spend the right amount of time on each task.

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